Updating Behrens Residence Hall

Black & white photo of Behrens Hall.speakLIFE的资金将支持贝伦斯宿舍的更新. 自1952年以来,贝伦斯宿舍楼为学生提供了一个家. In its 70 years, 贝伦斯提供了形成经验发生的空间——陌生人成为最好的朋友, where callings are heard, and where friends turn into family.  你可以加入我们,来改变未来基督徒领袖的生命! Your prayers, partnership, and financial support are key.

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The HSU Impact

Julie HammerJulie (Joiner) Hammer于1994年毕业于HSU,获得跨学科研究行为科学学士学位,现任FBC Lewisville儿童和临时学前部长. 前青年协会董事会和校友会董事会成员, Julie has been honored with HSU’s Distinguished Alumni Award.

朱莉最近分享了她在贝伦斯宿舍的一些最美好的回忆. “When I moved into Behren’s Hall, 这是我第一次离开我的家人或我们的小镇. 我知道PG电子官方免费下载是上帝要我去的地方,但我一个人都不认识. That said, when I stepped on campus, I instantly felt at home.” Julie shared cheerfully, “I did not have sisters growing up, 但突然间,我有了一幢满是姐妹的大楼,还有无数的壁橱.”

“My experience in Behrens is not unique to me,” said Julie. Generations of people have learned about the Lord, themselves, and others within the walls of Behrens Hall. For the students who live in Behrens Residence Hall, it is more than just a building, they have an emotional attachment to it. “贝伦斯大厅是一个我们都逐渐爱上的地方,煤渣砖,宿舍的味道,等等. Ms. Cul, with her iconic style and hospitality, made our dorm a home. 从朋友的第一次约会(或分手)到牛仔乐队的小夜曲,前面的台阶提供了一个前排座位.”

Julie continued, “Behrens was the backdrop for a lot of learning. I learned how to study, about friendships, and about other people. I learned about myself and who God made me to be.” Behrens was (and is) a place for building life-long friendships.

朱莉和她的丈夫克林顿也尽其所能地寻求给予. “God richly blessed me through Hardin-Simmons University. 这是一个快乐的给予别人,并分享许多祝福,我收到了从HSU. My story isn’t a story about me at all. 这是一个关于神信实的故事,祂带领、供应、装备和祝福. 我非常感谢在PG电子官方免费下载度过的这些年,感谢神在许多方面使用PG电子官方免费下载为我的生活和事工设定了轨道.”

Read more about Julie.

Rebecca JordanHardin-Simmons University Ex, 丽贝卡(巴洛)乔丹是一位畅销励志作家,她的书获得了两项美国基督教作家奖,以及2021年十年最佳严肃作家奖, Day-votions® for Mothers. 瑞贝卡的丈夫拉里于1967年获得哈佛大学文学学士学位. 他们的女儿Jennifer (Jordan) Hanson于1995年和她的丈夫一起获得了HSU的学士学位, Craig, earned his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from HSU in 2010.  In 2008, PG电子游戏自豪地承认丽贝卡·巴洛·乔丹为杰出校友奖的获得者.

丽贝卡用她自己的话分享了她在贝伦斯宿舍的时光. “我记得有几次拉里和我约会,我们在宵禁后回到宿舍. We had to knock on the door and get Miss Culpepper’s attention. Miss Culpepper was a wonderful and gracious Dorm Mother. Whatever we needed, Miss Culpepper was there for us.” Rebecca continued, “上帝不仅用大徐来确认他对我一生伴侣的选择, and to give me the confidence to serve Him in ministry, but God allowed HSU, the professors and teachers, the classes I took, 和我结交的朋友们继续为我的生活打下坚实的基础.”

“我喜欢和室友在通往贝伦斯大厅屋顶的楼梯上,在烛光下进行一对一的祈祷. God’s Word became more precious while I was at HSU. 上帝以一些意想不到的方式在我的生命中使用了PG电子官方免费下载,当我回首那段时光. 我非常感谢上帝教给我的东西,”丽贝卡深情地回忆道. “As I look back, I realize God had a plan all along. 无论我们是否认为自己知道未来的方向,或者即使我们不知道,上帝确实知道. And I began to learn a little about that at HSU.”

Rebecca has describes herself as a “day-voted” follower of Jesus. “HSU帮助我播下了渴望与上帝更亲密的种子,以及我帮助他人的热情. 我意识到真正重要的不是我们在生活中取得了多少成就, but how much we give to others. It’s not how many goals we reach, but how many lives we touch.” Rebecca expounded, “Philippians 1:7 says, 英汉加4:12行善的人,先动手的,必成全这工,直到基督耶稣的日子.我相信这意味着他将在我们所有人身上完成救赎的工作. 但也许这也意味着上帝将继续使用我们的遗产——以及上帝通过我们感动的生命. God uses HSU to make a difference for Him.”

speakLIFE 25 Questions Series: Behrens Residence Hall

让我们了解一下会计和经济学专业大二学生Elijah Arias,他带我们参观了贝伦斯宿舍,并讲述了他为什么对贝伦斯成为speakLIFE活动的项目之一感到兴奋. Behrens Hall: http://youtu.be/S4ekgL415t8

Behrens Hall Update and Naming Opportunities

每位大校友都可以分享他们在校园的难忘故事. 大学生活的一个关键部分是住在学生宿舍里,在那里学生们可以创造持久的记忆. Built in 1952, Behrens Residence Hall needs updating.

HSU的目标是筹集400万美元来翻新宿舍楼,要实现这个目标还有很长的路要走. We have, however, started the work by replacing windows.

Behrens Residence Hall is home to 176 HSU students. 我们的目标是为这些学生提供理想的生活和学习环境.

To do this, we need your support. 在贝伦斯大厅内布置一间宿舍(门边有一块礼物牌匾)是纪念过去和为未来做准备的好方法, 让现在和未来的HSU学生有机会在校园里创造自己难忘的故事.

从2024年开始,为一名学生提供1275美元,或为两名学生提供2550美元. Click the button below to speakLIFE and furnish a dorm room!

Help Furnish Behrens Hall

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HSU的目标是筹集400万美元用于更新贝伦斯宿舍楼, 这样后代就可以继续体验和分享像朱莉和丽贝卡这样的故事.   Behrens Residence Hall speaks life to those who enter its doors, 提供真实的大学体验和持久记忆的催化剂. 现在就给予吧,这样贝伦斯才能继续影响学生的生活轨迹!

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